It is very important to know the operating status of factory equipment and signs of failure in advance in order to deal with losses due to stable operation and outage. This is an area called equipment predictive maintenance.
Quick failure response: Sensor information contributes to early detection of failure and shortening of time to identify the location of failure.
Preventive maintenance: Always monitor the operating status of equipment and detect abnormal conditions before failure.
Energy management: Keep track of equipment operating hours and contribute to reducing energy consumption.
Utilization of IoT is effective in responding to such demands.
What kind of sensors will be needed when utilizing IoT for equipment predictive maintenance?
Required sensors
There are many devices that are subject to equipment predictive maintenance. Therefore, the required sensor also depends on the devices.
Motor, gear, bearing failure prediction: acceleration sensor, vibration sensor, temperature sensor, thermistor, etc.
Prevention of fire in PLC and machine room: ambient temperature sensor, CO2 sensor, etc.
Condition monitoring of piping equipment: pressure sensor, flow rate sensor, etc.
Predictive maintenance of air conditioning equipment and factory equipment: voltage sensor, current sensor, temperature sensor, thermistor, etc.
IoT can also be used by selecting the appropriate sensor after fully considering the target device and the content to be implemented.
Sensor connection to Tele-Sentient
Many kind of sensors required for equipment predictive maintenance can be connected to Sensor-Mate.