CM engineering IoT wireless sensor network platform
CM Engineering Co.,Ltd.

About the future IoT that we are thinking (2)

Major IoT application cases (1)

From this time, we will introduce our successful application cases of the IoT.

・ Application to “visualization” of agriculture by “field monitoring system”

Sum up in a look, it is a “system that monitors farms using sensors and wireless technology”.

This system gets fertilization information and weather information in the field using soil sensors and weather sensors.

Sensing data such as soil and weather sensors connected to the slave unit is transmitted to the master unit using the 920MHz band wireless sensor network, and the sensing data is uploaded to the cloud using the 3G network from the master unit.

The purpose is to perform simulations based on harvest information and soil / weather sensor data stored in the cloud, and to use them for crop cultivation management.

Recently, in the agricultural field, the shortage of labor and human resources has become a serious problem. We hope that the IoT technology can contribute to improving work efficiency and realizing the healthy and sustainable development of agriculture.

Next time, we will continue to introduce our successful application cases of the IoT.