English 日本語
CM engineering IoT wireless sensor network platform
CM Engineering Co.,Ltd.

About the future IoT that we are thinking (1)

The long-awaited IoT background

IoT is the abbreviation for “Internet of Things”.

The IoT is attracting attention because “By connecting things to the Internet, you can monitor and control the state of things without manual intervention”.

With the IoT, things will be able to do what people were doing until now.

The IoT can replace people to do what people are doing so far.

We believe that the following are some of the merits of being able to do what people were doing.

・ Do dangerous jobs for people

・ Eliminate “labor shortages” caused by declining birthrates, aging and declining populations

・ Feedback of know-how using accumulated data

・ Not only in Japan, but cross-border connections and new businesses can be established

Next time, we will introduce the future IoT that we are considering, and introduce some IoT application cases.